Just when I'm feeling comfortable that our school ACP is moving in a good direction, someone throws in the word "compliance." What's with that big word? I read the State Statute and PI26. And the letter from DPI with the bullet-ted points of what should be in an academic and career plan. A common element-- they were all just a little vague. A lot of "shall's" in the State Statute. And when asked why, DPI and CESA said it was so schools could create an academic and career plan for their students that fit their community and business needs. What a sensible statement! I was so proud of DPI and CESA at that moment.
Now word has it our ACP website will be checked for "compliance." When we heard that, the question was asked, "What will compliance look like? Is there a rubric?" The response was a little vague, but it will be happening after January 1. (Ugh! Just when I thought they knew me and could trust me!)
I dug around the DPI website a bit and found what they might be using to judge "compliance." (Such an unfriendly word!) Their topic was: Complying with PI 26 web posting requirement. I've attached it. Look at page 3 for a list of items they might be looking for. Is our school ACP website compliant? It depends on how they read it and judge it... it's all a little vague.
Now word has it our ACP website will be checked for "compliance." When we heard that, the question was asked, "What will compliance look like? Is there a rubric?" The response was a little vague, but it will be happening after January 1. (Ugh! Just when I thought they knew me and could trust me!)
I dug around the DPI website a bit and found what they might be using to judge "compliance." (Such an unfriendly word!) Their topic was: Complying with PI 26 web posting requirement. I've attached it. Look at page 3 for a list of items they might be looking for. Is our school ACP website compliant? It depends on how they read it and judge it... it's all a little vague.
1.8_acp_-_your_pi26_webpages_.docx |