"Does 'Smartphone Addiction' Show Up in Teens' Brains?"
The first line of this article from the National Institute of Health should give us pause: "Teens fixated on their smartphones experience changes to their brain chemistry that mirror those prompted by addiction, a new study suggests."
Although the study was limited in participation, it doesn't suggest anything that should surprise us. Anyone who works with teens knows how difficult it is for them to put their smartphones down. Is this addiction a problem? Business would say yes. When employers have been asked their biggest issue in working with young employees they cite cellphone use at work.
Advice for parents who want their children to succeed in school and in the workplace-- help them manage this addiction.
Article: https://medlineplus.gov/news/fullstory_170079.html
Although the study was limited in participation, it doesn't suggest anything that should surprise us. Anyone who works with teens knows how difficult it is for them to put their smartphones down. Is this addiction a problem? Business would say yes. When employers have been asked their biggest issue in working with young employees they cite cellphone use at work.
Advice for parents who want their children to succeed in school and in the workplace-- help them manage this addiction.
Article: https://medlineplus.gov/news/fullstory_170079.html