LGBT... what?
BathroomsWhile the Departments and the Supreme Court grapple with the meaning of Title IX, school districts in Wisconsin continue to work through issues related to transgender students at the local level. Districts should be aware that there is currently no binding legal authority in Wisconsin which requires a district to accommodate the requests of a transgender student to utilize sex-segregated facilities based on gender identity or which prohibits a district from doing so. However, on March 29, 2017, the Seventh Circuit is scheduled to hear oral arguments in a case involving Kenosha Unified School District’s decision not to allow a transgender student to access bathrooms of the gender with which he identifies. A decision in this case will be binding on Wisconsin school districts, and therefore further define the law in Wisconsin with respect to the rights of transgender students.
No federal law.
Laws are quickly changing due to the current political climate. |
In the news...Mt. Horeb School District
In December of 2015 the reading of the children’s’ book, “ I am Jazz” was set to be read to the Mount Horeb Primary Center students, but after a religious group in Florida deemed the book inappropriate, the reading was cancelled. In the defense of a young student who is transgender, the community organized a reading at the local public library to show their support, over 600 people showed up. |
Kids explain gay marriage
Final thought...
Information and presentation by Becca McInnis, March 2017